As of 25th March at 11:59 New Zealand has gone in to lockdown to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Shipping, the ports and domestic transport are considered essential services so we can continue to operate. The major concerns are non essential shipments congesting ports and delaying the movements of essential goods (medical, food and associated products). Not all New Zealand based importers and exporters are allowed to receive shipments so please check first before trucking is arranged.

We do have facilities to store your products through this period, either in containers or loose so please do contact us if you have these requirements.

2nd quarter rates are due out next week, early indications are that LSS will come down but the shipping lines are keeping capacity tight to keep the rates higher.

Please take care out there.

As of 12pm tonight 15th March 2020 all passengers arriving into New Zealand must self isolate for 14 days. This is response into the outbreak of the Covid-19 Coronavirus. More information can be round here.

This is an unprecedented situation and in our view the right one to limit the spread of the virus.

Goods are still free to move across our border, but the flow on affect is that there is now a lack of passenger aircraft to move goods on, which is the majority of the capacity for airfreight to and from New Zealand.

The good news is that the Chinese ports are now operational except for Wuhan so the goods can start to flow. The reefer (refrigerated container) congestion in Shanghai is now starting to ease. So space in bound as sea freight is ok. Outbound it is currently export peak season so bookings need to be made 3 – 4 weeks in advance.

Please contact us if you have an requests and we will be give you fair assessment of your best shipping options.

The 2019 – 20 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Season is coming to an end. We have received the below ruling from MPI regarding the final dates that overseas treatment is required:

The season dates are as follows: This section applies to all vehicles, machinery and parts (unless specified as being excluded), whether new or used, exported as break-bulk or in a container from Schedule 3 countries and exported on or after 1 September and arrive in New Zealand on or before 30 April of any year.

So if you ship your goods in April and they don’t arrive until May you do not have to treat.

Please keep this in mind when talking to us about shipping options over the next couple of months.

Major airlines and shipping lines have reduced services to / from China and New Zealand as a result of a decrease in demand due to the spread of the Wuhan Corona virus.

Due to lower tourist numbers we have seen a substantial decrease in options using passenger flights (PAX). All agreed rates have been voided and the airlines are only offering rates on a case by case basis.
When requesting a freight quote for importing goods from China or exporting goods to China by airfreight please provide the following information:
1) Ready Date
2) Accurate goods description
3) Dims and Weights
This will allow us to negotiate the best and most accurate rates for you.

Sea Freight:
The major shipping lines servicing NZ and China have blanked 3 sailings (cancelled 3 voyages) in successive weeks. We are now in peak season exports from NZ so space is very tight – as I write this on 25 Feb 2020 there is no space until the sailings at the end of March, and there is a large amount of overbooking.
Surprisingly the sea freight rates have remained constant, and the expected small decreases for import rates after Chinese New Year have still come in.
The market is expecting a very large bounce back in volumes as the factories in China prove they have the required safety measures in place and receive approval from the government to commence operations.

Volumes ex South East Asia remain consistent.

At this stage we have received no notice of increases in the Low Sulfur Surcharge for March.

Please contact us if you would like a review of your best current shipping options for your shipments to / from China and New Zealand.